Monday, November 12, 2012

The Biggest Loser and a couple of winners

Making the decision to go Fulltiming brings about many lifestyle changes. This fall I went through some pretty emotional trauma due to our fulltiming decision which we love but some family members are pretty unhappy about. As a result of that, I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. (I won't go into details, it wasn't pretty) So I'm taking the bull by the horns and making some other positive changes in my life. One of which deals with menopause and the thickening around the waistline! UGHHHHH, what happened there?

John has also been carrying around alot of extra weight for many years, and decided now is the time to do something about it, and in so doing, maybe be able to get off of the regiment of pills he's taking daily.

We began at the library of course. I went in search of better recipes, a better cookbook, and oh my the assortment. After going through many many books, I discovered Jillian Michaels, The Master your Metabolism Cookbook. WOW. Low calorie, easy to follow, delicious stuff, and there was the Biggest Loser International Cookbook also. This was exactly what I was looking for. We've been watching The Biggest Loser for years. (I did join a gym a few years back, and truely enjoyed the workouts and the results, but my partner, well. Wisconisin isn't real conducive to walking - at least for 5 or 6 months when the hazzard of freezing to death or slipping on the ice is greater than going the distance. So after returning from a trip to C. America, I didnt' continue. Shame on me!) So, I went out to Amazon and did a search, and there they were! Each for under $9, and the exercise book was there too, so I also got that.

We both read the later cover to cover and decided to begin when we arrived back here in our favorite place in the world. Texas. Today we begin week 4, but I'll backtrack to week one of our journey. Sorry, pics are just too embarrassing!

The workout is not difficult, well, it gets better. We found out how incredibly important the warmup and cooldown is. That stretching is NOT part of the warmup - stretching is a great way to tear muscle if they are not warmed up! Circuit Training (which means you only allow 4-8 seconds between the exercises, so you go from one right into another - I made up a paper that we hang up in front of us with the exercises in order so we can easily keep going without checking the book) And When doing muscle training - which is what the circuit training is, you never do it 2 days in a row. Every other day, so we chose to do M-W-F and take Saturday and Sunday off. Mornings are best for us. We purchased some inexpensive Heart Monitors ($28 at Walmart) and 2 elasticy stretch ropes (under $7) each. We're also using My Fitness Pal out on the web to keep track of calories. Another app out there is Calorie Count and I've found some more wonderful healthy recipes on there!
We do our weigh in on Mondays.

Week One
We're excited to begin. Workout one. Ouch, I can't believe I can't do these for a minute. It's great we have a fitness center at our RV park to work out in. Also started walking on the beach on T, Th. Couldn't make it to the pavilion halfway down the beach.The workout took us about 50 minutes (everything was new) John had numerous dizzy spells and had to sit down until they passed. We perservered and finished and figured, it can only get better from here!

Starting weight  - waistline          John  227- 46       Deb   151 - 33.5
Week 2
The routine was easier, we're feeling good about exercising.
weight   - waist  - (GAIN or LOSS)     John 224 - 47  (-3)   Deb 145 - 35.3 (-6)

Week 3
Hey, this is getting easier! We both feel great about the workout. We can feel the difference! Deb made it all the  way to the pier at the far end of the beach. Might have overdone just a bit, sore the next day. John almost made it to the pier! John had a diet slip when we got together with friends and the guys had a couple beers and a huge steak. I also think we're building muscle which is heavier than fat. Only explanation I can think of, cause my calories were good. Maybe a little low - I can't believe it, but not eatting enough will cause you to gain weight.

weight - waist - (GAIN or LOSS) John 228 - 44.25 -  (+4) Deb 147 - 33 - (+2)

Week 4

Wow! One thing I noticed last night is that meals are now coming together very easily! (this is coming from the fingertips of a woman who hasn't enjoyed cooking (or done much of it for quite a few years!) I've been making us delicious meals for a full 3 weeks! I've also found that I haven't been eatting enough for quite a long time. John is having problems meeting his caloric requirements, so I'm making 3 servings and needing some healthy snacks etc. to get him there. John is doing 1800 calories a day, and I'm allowed 1200 calories. My Fitness Pal keeps track of nutrients, so it's easy to see if you're eatting a balanced diet with your carbs, protein and fat in the right amounts. My clothes are beginning to fit again! It's a work out day, and we're about ready to begin.

weight - waist - (GAIN or LOSS) John 222 - 43 3/4  (-6) Deb 141 -  31 3/4  (-6)

Week 5

weight - waist - (GAIN or LOSS) John 220 - 43 1.2  (-2) Deb 139 - 31  (-2)

I got very involved with my music this past week, and we didn't do our morning walks. Still, progress is seen! Week 5 begins a new set of upper, core and lower body exercises, and we're hurtin! Lots of crunchies and squats and T raises. No Pain, No Gain, or should I say loss. This just means we're engaging unused muscles and we'll feel all the better for it. I'm really starting to think bicycle! Still don't know if my hips will handle it, but I'm thinking about it alot. There's a recumbent bicycle machine in the exercise room, and I'm going to try it out and see how it feels. It would be wonderful to be able to ride again!

We're alsoo making some allowances for Thanksgiving - namely eatting a light breakfast then watching portions and enjoying the food. We're attending the park Thanksgiving Potluck. This should be interesting!

Oh, I found some more wonderful recipes. Why didn't I think to look here sooner?

Week 6

Thanksgiving did us in. I gained a pound, and John gained 6! Pot Lucks are deadly! I think it was the pie table - mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Also struggled with meals this past week. Week 5 was the hardest week for me so far. I just ached. We started the second series of exercises, and they include alot of crunches and squats. However, we persevered and got through it. onward.

weight - waist - (GAIN or LOSS) John 226 -    (+6) Deb 140   (+1)

Week 7

OK, we both lost a pound. Good, but we were hoping our hard work would show a little more. No measurements this week. We were also introduced to a new book by some friends called "Wheat Belly". Very interesting indeed, and well worth the read! We went off of wheat on Monday 12/3. Today is the 6th, and I'm going through withdrawal. Picked up some spelt berries yesterday; ground it this morning and made Banana Blueberry muffins. They are wonderful! We can do this! I remember the last time I went off of Wheat about 15 years ago. I did a 28 day fast, eatting vegetables and cooked oatmeal. I lost 15 lbs and felt fabulous. My head was clear, I had energy....... I didn't connect how I felt with the absence of wheat until now. So we've purged the rig of wheat - did you know even Soy Sauce has wheat in it?????

weight  (GAIN or LOSS) John 225    (-1) Deb 139   (-1)

Week 8

weight - waist (GAIN or LOSS) John 221 - 43.5"   (-4)  Deb 139 - 31.5  (0)

John had a good week!  He lost 4 lbs and 1 1/4 " in his hips. I'm so proud of him. He's really dedicated himself to this!!!! Going out to eat isn't helping me. Darnit. Trying to stay off of wheat and going out to eat doesn't work. How can I calculate how much cheese was in the quesadia - it was a homemade corn tortilla, but... Also, the withdrawal off the wheat was difficult, and I was hungry. We'll just keep going. I can do this. On the positive side, I lost an inch in my hips and an inch and a half in my chest. That's worth smiling about! I also realized last Monday that I am not a belly dancer. My lower back and hips ache whenever I dance, and I was careful to do the movements correctly; however, I am a musician who loves to play for belly dancers! Another step forward. The spelt flour muffins seemed to cloud my head and makes me feel bloated. hm.

Week 9  weight -  John 223   Deb 140

Week 10 - Christmas week   weight - John 224   Deb 138

Week 11   John - 122   Deb - 138

Week 12   John 118    Deb 136

The past 12 weeks have flown by so fast. I was hoping the weight would come off faster, but we've both lost 15 lbs and that's something to be very proud of. John had a rough week at Christmas and lost 2 days of working out, but came right back to it. I missed a day, but changed the MWF that week to T TH S so didn't loose the flow.  Today it's down right cold out there, and the fitness center here at the park is not heated, and it's not kept clean, so we decided to try it here in the rig with just space and our Gold's gym stretchy ropes. I think I actually got a better workout here than I have over there with the weights! I've outgrown the 5# weights, but the 10# are too much for me, but the stretchy ropes or whatever they're called worked great! Now we know we can do this literally anywhere! The thing we're having the hardest time with is, of course, food. Planning meals is time consuming, and preparing them even moreso. Sometimes it's fun, but it's day in and day out. I've been experimenting with ezekiel bread, and we're liking the results. Just about out of buckwheat so will have to order more. Using a meat grinder to process the sprouted grains and beans and a slow oven to finish the bread. More experimenting to come, but it's delicious, easy to digest and very healthy. Sometimes, the old/ancient ways are the best!

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